In-Person Meeting For Worship 10 am at the Meeting House according to our COVID-19 Policy.

Zoom for Meeting for Worship at 10 am Sunday via Zoom Link.

“Friends, meet together and know one another in that which is eternal, which was before the world was.” George Fox, 1657

 Chena Ridge Friends Meeting COVID-19 Policy:

To determine whether we gather in person we will rely on CDC's Covid - 19 Community Levels by County Map 

  • If the FNSB is green (low), Meeting for Worship will include in-person gathering and after-meeting fellowship and snacks at our Hidden Hill site.

  • If the FNSB is yellow (moderate), Meeting for Worship will include in-person gathering at our Hidden Hill site but not after-meeting fellowship and snacks.

  • If the FNSB is orange (high), Meeting for Worship will not include in-person gathering.

    (We expect everyone who is meeting in person to be fully vaccinated unless medically inappropriate, and wear masks and maintain social distance. This is true regardless of the CDC Community Level)